Download the last version for apple Optimizer 15.4
Download the last version for apple Optimizer 15.4

There are tons of other features in iOS 15. It's similar to AR Live View in Google Maps. If you ride public transit, Maps will tell you when to get off, and once you've hopped off the bus or are outside the subway station, you can point your phone at the buildings in front of you to have Apple's augmented reality show you the way. The feature works in supported cities, which include New York, Philadelphia, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington, DC.

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With CarPlay, you also can see details like medians, turn lanes, taxi lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian crosswalks. When driving, Maps now shows highway interchanges in 3D so you have a better idea of exactly which lane you need to be in. You'll find more street-level details in commercial districts, elevation information in cities, and custom designs for landmarks like San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Apple's map data is getting even more detailed in iOS 15.

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The improved version of Apple Maps the company introduced in 2020 has rolled out to four new countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Australia.

Download the last version for apple Optimizer 15.4